This international scientific meeting is being organized as part of the 30th anniversary of the discovery of Chauvet cave (1994-2024). It will take place from July 2 to July 4, 2025, at the conference center of the facsimile of Chauvet cave, in Vallon-Pont-d'Arc (Ardèche, France).
The meeting aims to promote interdisciplinary and integrated studies of prehistoric caves, encompassing a comprehensive definition of such environments.
Paleolithic hunter-gatherercommunitiesnotonlytransformedthesubterraneanenvironment (throughactivitiessuch as creating cave art, establishingsettlements, or usingfire, etc.), but theywerealsoshapedbyit. Theyadaptedtheirmovements, theirsensory perceptions (sight, hearing) andtheir spatial awarenesstonavigatethis unique environments, characterizedbythe interactions it imposes -- bothamonghumansandwithanimals, including large predatorssuch as wolvesand cave bears. Consequently, caves providecomplexarchaeologicalandpaleontological records, where diverse agents interactand multiple temporal layers converge.
ThediscoveryofChauvet cave in 1994 (Ardèche, France) radicallychangedourunderstandingofPaleolithic art andreshapedourapproachtodecorated caves. The30thanniversaryofthisdiscoveryistherefore an opportunitytobringthescientificcommunitytogether, fostering dialogue toexchange points ofviewandapproaches in studyingtheprehistoric occupation ofthesubterraneanworld.
In the past few decades, significant theoretical and methodological advancements have emerged, driven by new discoveries and lively debate. We anticipate that this meeting will provide an opportunity to assess progress, stimulate reflection, explore new paradigms, and open up new avenues of research.
Contributions on the following topics are invited: